“Open” Opportunities are called for submissions from the open market allowing potential suppliers to bid openly for your requirements.
Existing registered suppliers, including your preferred supplier base (if you decide to have one) can be notified of your opportunities at the push of a button.
“Private” opportunities are restricted to invited suppliers only. These opportunities are only able to be viewed after they have received the invitation.
Suppliers can review the opportunity and register their interest in responding at the click of a button. These suppliers then form the “Registered supplier List” for future management of the Rfx process.
Attached documentation can be downloaded and reviewed by the suppliers at any time
Supplier Pre-Qualification
Suppliers can be Pre-Qualified before being able to submit responses to an Opportunity, by utilising the Pre-Qualification function, which requires suppliers to complete and submit a pre-populated On-Line response form. The responses are evaluated by the client and the suppliers are then able to submit a response. This saves a huge amount of time for the evaluators, by excluding suppliers who do not meet the minimum criteria required.
On-Line response forms
One of the unique features of the eProcure solution is the ability for the development of extensive on-Line libraries which standardise supplier responses into mandated formats. This not only allows for much easier evaluation of supplier responses, but ties in with our powerful evaluation module, providing weightings for supplier responses with scoring criteria.
This also extends to the ability to develop on-Line Quotation forms, which allow for “Quick Quotes” from suppliers with corresponding report functions.
Question & Answer Forum
Efficient and anonymous supplier communication is achieved by use of the Q&A Forum. Individual or Public responses can be made to supplier requests for clarifications. All Q&A questions and answers are recorded in the Audit trail and reflected in reports.
Addendums to Rfx’s are efficiently managed via the Portal, ensuring all registered suppliers are kept up to date with subsequent changes to the opportunity